Birthdays By You
In every community across the country their are children in need, children who are homeless or perhaps living in a shelter, sick in a hospital or part of the foster care system. All of these children have one thing in common, they will have a birthday this year and deserve more than anything to be celebrated! These are the children we are serving here at Box of Balloons but we can't do it without you.
One of our main goals here at Box of Balloons is to have a chapter in every state so children all around the country can be celebrated. We so badly desire to make each birthday happy and celebrate every single child who otherwise will not have a memorable celebration, a day of joy, love and hope. By starting a Box of Balloons chapter in your community you are giving so many children and families the opportunity to make a happy, positive memory they may not get anywhere else throughout the year.
All of our chapters are volunteer led and not only is it an amazing opportunity for the adult leader but for children as well! Many of our chapter leaders have children of their own and get them involved on a weekly basis. Chapter leaders work with community social workers to identify children in need, use their volunteer teams to put all needed party supplies in a box and then get it to the family in need. Through this process there are many ways to involve your children.
Box of Balloons believes everyone at any age can make a difference and help which is why bringing Box of Balloons to your community is the perfect family volunteer opportunity. Kids can help decorate the birthday boxes, fill them with needed supplies, help make birthday cupcakes and tag along for the delivery. Our chapter leaders are the core of the organization and are changing lives every single week!

Starting a chapter is easy, requires 3-4 hours of volunteer time per month and is so FUN! Putting together birthday boxes for children who would otherwise not be celebrated is one of the most fulfilling, exciting experiences. We have a big goal of opening 12 new chapters this year in 12 new states, places we are not currently serving yet there are children who need us. SO are we in your community yet? Can you bring Birthday By You? Contact us to find out more!