Children's Book Launch
The Box of Balloons Children's Book launched last month and it was magical! The children's book was a year long project that involved many learning curves, set back and excitement. When I first got the idea to write the book I thought it would be so fulfilling to take the finished product into my kid's classrooms for a book reading. As it is I go to their classes monthly to read a book and do a project so to be able to share the story of Box of Balloons with my own children's book would be a dream.
After spending much of the summer working with Orange Hat Publishing to get the book just right it was ready to launch in November at the Birthday Bash. The Birthday Bash is our annual fundraising event and this year the theme was "The Greatest Showman" which seems perfect as we were highlighting dreams and accomplishments. Orange Hat Publishing came to the event to help sell books and I was able to sign and take pictures, simply amazing!
A few days later I hosted story time at the Madison Mom's Blog play date where over 170 people joined to make birthday cards, decorate cookies and listen to me read Box of Balloons.

Last week I did my first school presentation, four of them actually and while I was nervous and frantic the morning of, the event went marvelously and was more than I could have dreamed. I was able to share my heart, experience and vision for Box of Balloons with Kindergartener through fifth graders, read the book and signed books. This was at my kiddos school, the same school I went to as a child, making the event even more special.
The goal for the book is to spread awareness for Box of Balloons while proving a lesson on kindness. How a simple act of kindness can change not only someone's birthday but their entire year. The Box of Balloons book allows us to share our mission and heart with thousands of people who otherwise may not have heard about it. Proceeds from the book go to Box of Balloons so we can then celebrate even more children in need.