3 Healthy (and Fun) Snacks for Kids

Does your child wrinkle his or her nose when you set a bowl of veggies or fruit on the table? Are you trying to a find healthy (or at least healthier) option when it comes to party snacks? Why not try a different presentation of your healthy foods!
Each of these snacks only take minutes to prepare and you may already have some of the ingredients in your kitchen. Even better — involve your kids in the creation process!
Apricot and Pretzel Fish
Dried apricots
Cream cheese
Mini chocolate chips
Slice one of the edges of the apricot and insert the pretzel (see photo). Pinch the apricot around the pretzel so the pretzel is secure inside the apricot. Use a tiny bit of cream cheese to secure the chocolate chip for the eye. (Note: buy the dried apricots from the bulk ingredients section at the grocery store. If you buy pre-packaged ones, they might be cut in half and you won’t be able to slice the edge to slide the pretzel in. If you get the prepackaged ones, you can use cream cheese to secure the apricot on the pretzel.)
Banana Snowmen
Mini chocolate chips
Stick pretzels
Apples (or strawberries)
Grapes (or blueberries)
Cut your bananas in thick slices (about ⅓ - ½ of an inch) and slide three of them onto a skewer. Press mini chocolate chips into the banana tip first for the buttons and the eyes. Use a slice of apple or strawberry as a hat for the snowmen and the grape or blueberry as a pom-pom for the hat. Last thing - insert the pretzels into the middle slice of banana for the arms. Check out the pictures below!
Cheesy Ladybugs
Mini Babybel cheese
Pull the Babybell casing tab and remove the cheese from the casing. Using scissors, trim the casing and use the straw to remove the casing where the spots will appear. Use two of those casing spots for the eyes. (Note: sometimes the casing doesn’t split evenly. You can overlap a tad of the bigger side over and angle the “wings” to get the same effect.) Check out the pictures below!
These snacks are a healthier option for an after school treat and for party snacks. Use the fish as an addition to themed parties such as an “under the sea” theme. Or the ladybugs for a party about bugs. As for the snowmen, we all know that Olaf is a big deal in the kids party world!